Monday, May 30, 2022 I've been known to have some opinions that I feel very passionate about. What am I most passionate about now is manners. I spent a good amount of timing wondering what happened to people's manners--are people not taught basic manners when they were children anymore or have people forgotten basic etiquette along the way? No, I think that manners are being taught and I do not think they are forgotten. I think manners, in general, are not being positively reinforced. For example, if you hold the door open for someone and they walk through without saying 'thank you'. I know that I feel like not holding the door open for anyone again. However, with well over 7 billion people on the planet, I believe basic manners are needed now more than ever. Therefore, I'm going to spend some time to sharing some frustrations with the goal to remind people (I mean, myself) to keep practicing good ettiquete with others, even if when it is not reciprocated. Afterall, it is for the sake of perserving what remains of politeness, social niceties, and common decency. No pressure.